1st day program
Each slot to talk includes the time for discussion.
Program has been changed! (01.07.2013).
The poster session will be two parts since many participants and applicants for poster presentations will come to our conference.
09:45-10:00 Opening Address: Masayuki Ohzeki
10:00-12:00 Morning Session I Chairman: Yuki Sughiyama
10:00-11:00 Christopher Jarzynski
"Modeling Maxwell’s demon"
11:00-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-12:15 Hugo Touchette
"Information and control: A tale of statistical physics and engineering"
12:15 13:45 Lunch
13:45-16:45 Afternoon Session I Chairman: Jun Ohkubo
13:45-14:15 Martin Rosinberg
"Entropy production and 2nd law in stochastic systems under continuous feedback control"
14:15-14:45 Dario Villamaina
"Non-equilibrium and information: the role of cross correlations"
14:45-15:15 Kiyoshi Kanazawa
"Heat conduction induced by non-Gaussian athermal fluctuations"
15:15-15:45 Coffee Break
15:45-16:30 Poster Preview I (for odd numbers)
16:30-18:30 Poster Session I (for odd numbers)
2nd day program
Each slot to talk includes the time for discussion.
10:00-12:00 Morning Session I Chairman: Muneki Yasuda
10:00-11:00 Jascha Sole-Dickstein
"Fitting Intractable Probabilistic Models Using Nonequilibrium Dynamics"
11:00-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-12:15 Toru Nishikawa
"Next Big Thing in BigData Analytics: Deep, Fast and Scalable"
12:15 13:45 Lunch
13:45-15:45 Afternoon Session I Chairman: Masayuki Ohzeki
13:45-14:45 Julien Tailleur
"Localizing chaotic needles in regular haystacks (and conversely) using Lyapunov Weighted Dynamics"
14:45-15:15 Kenji Nagata
"Learning Coefficient for Bayesian Learning and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method"
15:15-15:45 Takashi Mori
"Short-range interacting system without additivity"
15:45-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15-17:45 Afternoon Session II Chairman: Tomoyuki Obuchi
16:15-17:15 Keisuke Yamazaki
"On Estimation Accuracy of Latent Variables in Hierarchical Learning Models"
17:15-17:45 Sosuke Ito
"Information Thermodynamics on Causal Networks"
18:30- Banquet
Banquet will be held at the restaurant in the Kyoto University (Very near from the conference place)
The fee is about 4000-5000 Yen.
Participants are requested to pay at the registration desk.
3rd day program
Each slot to talk includes the time for discussion.
10:00-12:00 Morning Session I Chairman: Takahiro Sagawa
10:00-11:00 Gavin E Crooks
"Molecular machines and the thermodynamic cost of nostalgia"
11:00-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-12:15 Henrik Sandberg
"Finite-time thermodynamics of port-Hamiltonian systems"
12:15 13:45 Lunch
13:45-15:45 Afternoon Session I Chairman: Takehisa Hasegawa
13:45-14:45 Thierry Mora
"Statistical mechanics of flocks of birds"
14:45-15:45 Sang Wook Kim
"Heat engine driven by purely quantum information"
15:45-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15-17:00 Poster Preview II (for even numbers)
17:00-19:00 Poster Session II (for even numbers)
4th day program
Each slot to talk includes the time for discussion.
10:00-12:00 Morning Session I Chairman: Yu Watanabe
10:00-11:00 Jordan Howrowitz
"Imitating Chemical Motors with Optimal Information Motors"
11:00-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-12:15 Jae Dong Noh
"Entropy production in a harmonic chain with fast variables"
12:15 13:45 Lunch
13:45-15:45 Afternoon Session I Chairman: Kazumasa A Takeuchi
13:45-14:45 Massimiliano Esposito
"On the thermodynamic cost of sensing in autonomous systems"
14:45-15:15 Alexandre Solon
"Revisiting the flocking transition using active spins"
15:15-15:45 Takahiro Nemoto
"Finite size scaling for a mean-field kinetically constrained model: dynamical glassiness and quantum criticality"
15:45-16:00 Closing remarks Takahiro Sagawa
Poster session
The poster preview will be one and half minutes for each contributor.
The poster is allowed to be on the board during the conference.
The size of each poster is allowed to be up to A0.
The poster session is divided into odd (1st day) and even (3rd day) numbers.
We received poster preview slides of the bold numbers.
PS-1 Lukasz Machura, University of Silesia
PS-2 Michael Maitland, University of Warwick
PS-3 Bijay Agarwalla National University of Singapore
PS-4 Saika Yohei, Gunma National College of Technology
PS-5 Habte Dulla Berry, Addis Ababa University,
PS-6 canceled
PS-7 Yang Wei Patrick Koh, Bioinformatics Institute, Agency for Science Technology and Research
PS-8 Shojun Nakayama, The University of Tokyo
PS-9 cancelled
PS-10 cancelled
PS-11 Felipe Barra, University of Chile
PS-12 Alessio Gagliardi University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
PS-13 Keisuke Fujii, Kyoto University
PS-14 Jaewook Joo, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
PS-15 Ken Funo, The University of Tokyo
PS-16 Ihor Lubashevsky, University of Aizu
PS-17 Ihor Lubashevsky, University of Aizu
PS-18 Bhaswati Bhattacharyya, Kyoto University
PS-19 Naoko Nakagawa, Ibaraki University
PS-20 Yohei Nakayama, The University of Tokyo
PS-22 Chihiro Nakajima, Tohoku University
PS-23 Julio Rodriguez, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
PS-24 Ali Umit Cemal Hardal, Koc University and Institute for Molecular Science
PS-25 Ziya Kalay, Kyoto University
PS-26 Takuya Yamano, Kanagawa University
PS-27 Kyogo Kawaguchi, The University of Tokyo
PS-28 Sho Sugiura, The University of Tokyo
PS-29 Hiroyasu Tajima, The University of Tokyo
PS-30 Daiki Nishiguchi, The University of Tokyo
PS-31 Shigeru Ajisaka, Universidad de Chile (Moved to 3rd day)
PS-32 Airi Kato, The University of Tokyo
PS-33 Yuji Sakai, The University of Tokyo
PS-34 Chai-Yu Lin, National Chung Cheng university
PS-35 Akihisa Ichiki, Nagoya University
PS-36 Jungjun Park, National University of Singapore
PS-37 Yasuhiro Yamada, The University of Tokyo, Japan
PS-38 Masato Itami, Kyoto University
PS-39 cancelled
PS-40 Taiki Haga, Kyoto University
PS-41 Jin Min Kim , Soongsil University
PS-42 Tetsuya Mitsudo, The University of Tokyo
PS-43 Satoshi Takabe, The University of Tokyo
PS-44 Roy Henk, Kyoto University
PS-45 Naoto Shiraishi, The University of Tokyo
PS-46 Zhe-Ren Hsu, National Chengchi University
PS-47 Katsuyoshi Matsushita, Osaka University
PS-48 Shinya Yamada, Kyoto University
PS-49 Tanaka Kenta, Kyoto University
PS-50 Bo-Ming Su, National Chengchi University
PS-51 Sang Bub Lee, Kyungpook National University
PS-52 Takashi Hayakawa, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
PS-53 Meesoon Ha, Chosun University
PS-54 Yongjoo Baek, KAIST
PS-55 Byungnam Kahng, Seoul National University
The poster numbers are tentative.
We remove several presentations without abstract.
If you cannot your abstract although you have already sent it, please contact us (scrtfspip2013 "@" sys.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp )
We confirmed all abstracts on 24th July.
Please send your abstract Immediately, or we reject your application.