Current Study
情報統計力学 |
Comparison between minimum probability flow and pseudo likelihood maximization in decimation algorithm
Masayuki Ohzeki to be submitted to JPSJ |
情報統計力学 |
Revisit to trade off in noisy compressed sensing
Masayuki Ohzeki to be submitted to JPSJ |
画像処理 |
Learning of Potts prior and its application to anatomical labeling
Masayuki Ohzeki and Utako Yamamoto to be submitted to JPSJ |
情報統計力学 |
Xu Yingying, Masayuki Ohzeki and Yoshiyuki Kabashima |
ネットワーク |
Hysteretic transition of coarse-grained power grid model on small-world network
Eiichi Sasaki, Masayuki Ohzeki, Yoshito Ohta submitted to JPSJ |
統計力学 |
Akihisa Ichiki and Masayuki Ohzeki to appear soon |
機械学習 |
Masayuki Ohzeki, Muneki Yasuda, and Akihisa Ichiki to appear soon |
学習理論 |
Query learning by greedy algorithm
Masayuki Ohzeki and Yoshiyuki Kabashima work in progress |
学習理論 |
Variable selection by greedy algorithm
Masayuki Ohzeki, Xu Yingying and Yoshiyuki Kabashima to appear soon |
量子情報 |
Masayuki Ohzeki to appear soon |
量子情報 |
Avoiding negative sign problem in simulation of quantum annealing
Masayuki Ohzeki submitted |
情報統計力学 |
Statistical mechanical models of the integer factorization problem
Chihiro Nakajima and Masayuki Ohzeki submitted to JPSJ |
統計力学 |
Conflict between fastest relaxation of a Markov process and detailed balance condition
Kazutaka Takahashi and Masayuki Ohzeki |
統計力学 |
Langevin dynamics neglecting detailed balance condition
Masayuki Ohzeki and Akihisa Ichiki |
統計力学 |
Full-order fluctuation-dissipation relation for a class of nonequilibrium steady states
Akihisa Ichiki and Masayuki Ohzeki |
情報統計力学 |
L1-regularized Boltzmann machine learning by majorizer minimization
Masayuki Ohzeki |
画像処理 |
Inverse Renormalization Group Transformation in Bayesian Image Segmentations
Kazuyuki Tanaka, Shun Kataoka, Muneki Yasuda and Masayuki Ohzeki |
学習理論 |
Statistical-mechanical analysis on pre-training and fine tuning in deep learning
Masayuki Ohzeki |
スピングラス |
High-precision phase diagram of spin glasses from duality analysis with real-space renormalization and graph polynomials
Masayuki Ohzeki and Jesper Lykke Jacobsen J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 095001 (2015) Selected as IOP select |
情報統計力学 |
Detection of cheating by decimation algorithm
Shogo Yamanaka, Masayuki Ohzeki, and Aurelien Decelle J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 84, 024801 (2015) 新聞報道:2015/01/16付け朝日新聞34面社会2にて デジタル版(人工知能でカンニングを発見 京大などがプログラム開発) 2015/1/19 TBSテレビ 【あさチャン!】 <あさチャン!朝刊チェック>「人工知能使いカンニングを発見」 京都大学広報(機械学習によるカンニングの検出技術の開発) 人民日報:2015年1月21日 人民網日本語版(日本の専門家、カンニングを発見するプログラムを開発) 人民網中国語版(日本专家利用人工智能开发新程序 使作弊无处可逃) 中国新聞網(日本专家利用人工智能开发新程序 使作弊无处可逃) 財経新聞:2015年1月25日(京大、機械学習によってカンニングを自動的に検出する技術を開発) リセマム(機械学習の手法でカンニングを自動的に検出…京都大の研究成果) 2015年1月のTop 20 most downloaded papersの中で3番目になりました. 2015/2/26発売ニュートンプレスNewton4月号Focusにて掲載. 2015/3/27 NHK【おはよう日本】 <7時台ニュース>「衝撃のカンニングー背景は」 2015/6/15発売太田出版ケトルにて研究成果報道 |
統計力学 |
Violation of detailed balance accelerates relaxation
Akihisa Ichiki and Masayuki Ohzeki |
統計力学 |
Nonequilibrium work relation in macroscopic system
Yuki Sughiyama and Masayuki Ohzeki |
量子情報 |
Measurement-Based Quantum Computation on Symmetry Breaking Thermal States
Keisuke Fujii, Yosifumi Nakata, Masayuki Ohzeki, and Mio Murao Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 120502 (2013) Selected as Editor's Suggestion (報道:マイナビニュース) |
古典スピン系 |
Duality analysis and its application: bond percolation
Masayuki Ohzeki |
スピングラス |
Fluctuation Theorems on Nishimori Line
Masayuki Ohzeki |
量子情報 |
Duality analysis on random planar lattice
Masayuki Ohzeki, and Keisuke Fujii |
量子情報 |
Error threshold estimations in surface code with loss of qubits
Masayuki Ohzeki Phys. Rev. A 85, 060301(R) (2012). (報道:マイナビニュース、日経プレスリリース、UNN関西学生報道連盟) |
量子情報 |
Strong Resilience of Topological Codes to Depolarization
Hector Bombin, Ruben S. Andrist, Masayuki Ohzeki, Helmut G. Katzgraber and Miguel Angel Martin-Delgado featured in Viewpoint (Physics 5, 50 (2012)) |
スピングラス |
Nonequilibrium work on spin glasses in transverse and random fields
Masayuki Ohzeki, Hitoshi Katsuda, and Hidetoshi Nishimori |
最適化問題 |
Jarzynski equality for an energy-controlled system
Hitoshi Katsuda, and Masayuki Ohzeki |
スピングラス |
Universality in phase boundary slopes for spin glasses on self dual lattices
Masayuki Ohzeki, Creighton K. Thomas, Helmut G Katzgraber, Hector Bombin, and Miguel Angel Martin-Delgado |
量子情報 |
Quantum annealing: An introduction and new developments
Masayuki Ohzeki, and Hidetoshi Nishimori |
量子情報 |
Quantum Annealing with Jarzynski Equality
Masayuki Ohzeki |
スピングラス |
Nonequilibrium Relations for Spin Glasses with Gauge Symmetry
Masayuki Ohzeki, and Hidetoshi Nishimori
科学新聞: News and Comments: K. Hukushima: JPSJ Online—News and Comments [August 19, 2010]. JPSのHP上での紹介記事 J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 79 (2010) 084003. 英文紹介文 Spin Glass, a disordered magnetic system, exhibits a drastic slowdown of relaxation processes toward equilibirum in low-temperature regions. This dynamical aspect of spin glasses implies the difficulty to visit all the local minima of the free energy by thermal fluctuations. That reminds us of a scene like the typical Hollywood movies that an adventurer explores all the abysmal gorges to find the treasure at the bottom of the canyon. The present study has unveiled a hidden way to reach the equilibrium state by use of a special symmetry in spin glasses with the Jarzynski equality. We hope the grace of the nonequilibrium physics might help the adventurer. |
量子情報 |
Accuracy threshold of topological color codes on the hexagonal and square-octagonal lattices
Masayuki Ohzeki Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol. 20 (2009). Virtual Journal of Quantum Information, Vol. 9 (2009). |
スピングラス |
Analytical evidence for the absence of spin glass transition on self-dual lattices
Masayuki Ohzeki, and Hidetoshi Nishimori |
スピングラス |
Locations of multicritical points for spin glasses on regular lattices
Masayuki Ohzeki, |
スピングラス |
Multicritical points for the spin glass models on hierarchical lattices
Masayuki Ohzeki, Hidetoshi Nishimori and A. Nihat Berker, |
スピングラス |
Multicritical Points of Potts Spin Glasses on the Triangular Lattice
Masayuki Ohzeki, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 76, (2007) 114003(OPEN ACCESS), |
古典スピン系 |
Internal energy of the Potts model on the triangular lattic with two- and three-body interactions
Masayuki Ohzeki and Hidetoshi Nishimori, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75, (2006) 114003(OPEN ACCESS), |
スピングラス |
Location of the multicritical point of the Ising spin glass on the triangular and hexagonal lattices
Hidetoshi Nishimori and Masayuki Ohzeki, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75, (2006) 034004(OPEN ACCESS), |